avoid the burn

Eco Sport


The sun and your skin

Sun Protection FAQ's

Is a higher SPF better?

Sort of, because most people only use 25% of the appropriate amount of sunscreen necessary to achieve the SPF number on the bottle.

How much sunscreen should I use?

The appropriate amount of sunscreen for the head, and neck, is one tsp; and 2 tsp for each arm, the abdomen, the chest, or the back. Each leg should receive 2 tsp for the front, and 2 more tsp for the back. Using a higher SPF will most likely help you reach an acceptable SPF, particularly if you use less than the optimal amount. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends an SPF of 30. Another helpful way to measure the proper amount of sunscreen is to apply one entire shot glass (1 ounce) over all body parts that will be exposed to the sun.

Is any tan a safe tan (from the skin cancer point of view)?

The only safe tan comes out of the bottle. Tan skin from the sun, or tanning beds, does not protect you from additional skin damage or skin cancer. Being tan simply reveals current skin damage and does not protect you from additional skin damage or skin cancer (Regarding skin safety, "pale is the new tan"!

Are tanning beds safe?

No. Regular tanning bed use increases the risk of malignant melanoma by 74%.

Do people die from Skin Cancer?

1 person / per hour dies from malignant melanoma (in the US alone).

Will sun protection affect the way my skin looks?

Yes. 90% of skin aging (wrinkles and pigment, or "age spots") is due to exposure to sun and/or tanning beds.

Does sunscreen cause a problem with Vitamin D production?

Vitamin D is obtained from diet and sun exposure. Most experts agree that it is best for people to obtain their Vitamin D from diet, instead of the sun, because of the increased risk associated with excessive sun exposure.

Do you need sunscreen if you are already tan?

Absolutely yes, because everyone, regardless of race, ethnic origin, and/or skin type, is subject to the damaging effects of the sun. A "base tan" is not a substitute for sunscreen.

Do you need sunscreen on cloudy days?

Absolutely yes, because up to 80% of Ultraviolet rays can pass through clouds. This fact makes checking the UV index even more important, because it takes clouds into account. It's also important to remember that sand, and snow, also reflect sun rays towards the skin; and UV rays pass through car windows. All these situations require extra use of sunscreen or sun protective clothing.

Does waterproof sunscreen make a difference?

Waterproof, and water resistant, are mostly marketing terms. In order for the SPF on the sunscreen to match the SPF on your skin, your sunscreen should be reapplied every hour during outside activity.

Are all sunscreens the same?

No they are not. The most important thing to note on a sunscreen label is "Broad Spectrum," because this means the sunscreen was designed to cover both UVA and UVB rays, both of which can cause skin damage and should therefore be avoided.